Make better presentations

I promise to make your presentations better

It’s not about the ’standing ovation fantasies’ – applause is nice, but this is about getting the job done, being heard and making a difference.

Making reports to the board? Pitch presentations for funding? Academic reports or conferences? Then I’m a great bet.

Whoever you need to speak to, better presentations change your world. It might not be overnight like winning the lottery, but it does make things more likely.

You can still
change the world
when you’re out of your depth

How would you like me to help with your presentations?

You can find the online presentation skills training here. Tools and tips to help you become more visible and understood… Books and bite-size learning to help you become braver in your presentations and really get noticed. Get started with the short Reluctant StoryTeller Starter pack (only $13).

If you prefer to do your training live, you’ve got a few options. Team presentations training is for when you want to bring me in-house for a group of you. Individual presentation skills training is more advanced and is perfect if you’ve got an important presentation coming up that you absolutely want to nail! Finally, Speaking about presenting is the best option if you’ve got a conference or a whole-company event!

Why make better presentations?

  • Want people to act on your ideas?
  • Need to convince people about your ideas?
  • Need people to buy your stuff, tools or services?
  • Want to do a conference presentation that explains you work?
  • Have to show how you solve problem X?

The better your presentation the more likely those things are. The principle of better presentations is simple!

… but simple doesn’t always mean easy… better presentations are easier said than done.

Oh, and do you want to do all that with less stress? Thought so! 😉

How do I make your presentations better?

You probably realise you need to make better presentations or you’d not be here.

Illustration of our manifesto for making better presentations

The hard choice is if you want presentations training for your team – or do you want presentations training just for you? (If you need it online check out the presentations clinic) Or do you want a conference speaker?

I’m a great fit for you if you want a no-nonsense approach to presenting. It’s about getting the job done without all the angst. What matters is what people do after your presentation…

…do people just politely nod and get on with their lives? Or even rave and applaud… but carry on as they did before your presentation?

Or do they use what you’ve given them? Rave and applaud and use what you’ve given them?

Some of those options are pointless – though a couple are good for your ego. 😉

… and things get better as you go through that list 😉

Boardroom, conference and TEDx

Am I a fit?

Derek talking about Simon's presentation about presenting!

I fit best with you if you’re good at what you do – but now you’ve also got to present about what you do.

Maybe you’ve just got promoted – or maybe you want to be. Maybe you’re an expert in your field and now you want to share you expertise and make the world a better place. Maybe you’re looking for investment. Or buy-in to ideas.

I’ve worked with everyone from people who haven’t yet started their own companies to billion dollar per year multi-nationals; from dancers to research scientists. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have a need to change your world, even just a little!

In short, I help ‘normal people’ make better presentations. That’s it.

I live and die by my three Es, so that you know you’re going to get something real, not just the fluffy “what worked for me is…”.

Simon talking about making better  presenting and where the camera feels like it goes

Evidence – you only get tools and techniques that have been scientifically researched and proven to work. You don’t get stuff based on ‘just my experience’. That’s because what works for me might only work for me.

You’re you and your presentations should respect that.

I read the original research papers whenever I can, as well as the books and the blogs! How? Because deep in my core I’m still partially a research scientist.

Engagement – you get the best material, sure, but it’s translated it into stuff you can ‘get’ and can apply almost immediately, with relatively little practice or experience.

Equality – whoever you are, you’ll get the same level of honesty and help. (Unless you make evil things, in which case I won’t work work you. 🙂 )

I’ll give you my time, and the follow-up. The help and the ideas. The downside is that you’re going to have to do some work yourself, no matter who you are!

How do I live my manifesto?

Our three Es are what make things different – why I can help you make an impact

presenting about stories to the PSA

Have more impact

Want to get to know me a little?

These are ‘back of the room’ videos of a keynote and a 30 minute workshop I’ve run recently.

… but don’t be fooled by the style! 🙂

How do you want to work?