
Welcome to 69 stories!

Your email address has been added (by magic!) the the right mailing lists and my slaves are rushing to get things sent to you straight away!

Get yourself set up!

You’ll get a set-up email straight away and if you’ve not got it soon you should check your spam filter. If it’s there, don’t forget to tell your email system to ‘whitelist’ things so they don’t end up there in the future. One thing that helps is not to open the email (well, do that too, but don’t just open the email). Drag it into your inbox first if you can so that your email system learns you want to get these emails.

I also recommend you spend a few minutes setting up a rule in your email system so that 69stories goes into a folder of its own. Firstly, in case you get behind in the challenges it helps you handle things. Secondly it means you’ve got them as a resource forever!

Here’s how for most of the main emails systems:

As a precaution why not set up a rule on your emailer that puts 69stories in a folder so you can look at them later, if time runs away with you – and of course that means you can go back to them too! These links might help:

One last thing

It might be worth thinking of a good time in your diary each day (or even each week if you’re snowed under) to review your progress. You’ll get plenty of reminders with the challenge emails that come in but why not think about doing it now – put it in your diary as a repeated entry for the next month!

Oh – and welcome!

Bit of a laugh before you go…

But before you rush off, would you like a bit of fun… would you believe these out-takes were for only a two minute video!? I was trying to record a story that lasted less time than it took me to get myself sorted out… even the pros have their bad days 😉