Welcome to the better presentations blog!
I do my best to make this blog a resource for presenters - not pro-speakers, but real people who need to make presentations as part of their 'day job'. If there's something you really want to know about, just email me and I'll see what I can do (no promises except that I'll read your email - use simon@ and you can guess the rest of my address. :) )
Also, I have to be honest, this blog only gets updated every month or so. If you want a bit more, consider signing up for the (almost weekly) newsletter instead called "TalkTactics". You can also sign up for a bucketload of freebies too!
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Who do you suppose are the speakers who display some Presentation Genius? And what do they have in common? … What allows this presentation genius to show itself? Practice. No-one can give a great presentation the first time.
I’ve done a few different interviews in the last few months as we lead up to the launch of Presentation Genius and one of the questions that keeps coming up is “What’s the biggest single problem you find with people making presentations?” or …
I like to help out, and with the book launch of Presentation Genius on it’s way I thought it would be a good time to pay back. A lot of people have helped and supported us (and me in particular) so it’s only fair that we do! With that in mind, we’re running a Presentation …
Read more “Presentation Genius for Charity”