Buy Presentation Genius

You can get a copy from Amazon. What’s not to love?! Of course, if you come to one of my live events there’s always the chance that I’ll have copies with me and might even sign one in exchange for a drink! 🙂 But if you’re not going to manage that, Amazon’s a great fallback: just click on the pic.  If you’re not sure, take a quick look at some of the feedback it’s been getting, even before release!

In the spirit of full disclosure… yes, I get a tad of money from this. You’d be surprised how little author’s get for retail of a book otherwise – every little helps! 🙂  An author’s got to earn a crust somehow. And don’t forget you can get presentation genius training or presentation genius speaking, too.

You might also like to know about Presenting Made Simple.

If you’re not sure and Presentation Genius, these quotes are pulled from the formal reviews on Amazon – honest! 🙂

An invaluable read for anyone interested in refining and improving their presentation technique, no matter how experienced they are

There is no presentation this book wouldn’t improve

What a great little book! There is something here for everyone

However you use the book it will make you a more effective presenter


By the way – here’s a handy little alternative you might likePresenting Made Simple (PMS) is the Ebook that leads to Presentation Genius. PMS is the book I wish I’d been able to read 13 years ago when I started, rather than having to write now!