Yes, yes, I know… an author who speaks… you’ve heard it all before. “He probably just mumbles into his text the way my university lecturers used to!”.
I promise, I don’t.
After all, if I can’t walk the walk I’ve no right to talk the talk.
Of course, I can’t promise to make my entire audience into a crowd of Presentation Geniuses (I know that’s the plural for ‘genius’ but it doesn’t look right, does it!) but what I can do is give everyone a boost; to make them better presenters; and to help them understand what it is they need to do in the future to continue improving.
You can read a bit more about this, and my other keynotes below. but how about this for a promise – if your audience don’t think I’ve done a good job, I won’t send you an invoice. It’s a no-risk booking!

Alternatively, if you’re looking for something different, you can book me for Bamboo and Oak or coming up for AIR – my keynote presentation about tools for ‘coping’ and ‘getting stuff done’ – both without going bonkers or drinking the cool-aid!
Want to know/see a bit more before you get in touch? This first video is audience reaction the second Simon stepped off the stage training the national conference for the Professional Speaking Association (so no pressure then!).
Want a bit more? Check out Simon’s TEDx, recording during lockdown in an empty auditorium!
Simon has three major keynotes to pick from
Presentation Genius

High energy, full on, entertaining and – importantly – useful. I’ll explore with your audience what it is that makes presentations effective. Most presentations aren’t – they’re just something to survive (or worse). Wouldn’t it be great if instead of all of the usual rubbish your presentations actually achieved something. Wouldn’t it be great if they changed something – such as your audience’s behaviour!
And wouldn’t it be great if it did it without turning you into a nervous wreck!

That’s what Presentation Genius is about. It’s about changing the world… or at least your tiny little bit of it. But that’s still pretty impressive, right?
Don’t worry, I won’t pull anyone up on stage as an unwilling victim to show people how it’s not done. I might not even get it 100% right myself but what I will do is explain the principles of why presentations work (when they do) and what to do about it (if yours don’t).
Oh, and if you’re the kind of person who does presentations which are fine but you know a lot of other people who need to see this… well why don’t you sit in the audience and see for yourself! 😉
Bamboo & Oak
We’ve all had days when the world hates us. Everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. And that’s fine: we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves down and get back on with life. But if that happens tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that, too?

Bamboo & Oak is the antidote to happy-clappy, motivational/aspirational speakers. What they do is great if you just need a bit of ‘get up and go’ on the good days – but back in the real world most of us have a different problem: you can’t rush up at the heights when it’s a struggle to avoid the depths. Bamboo and Oak is a thoroughly research (and tested!) presentation about how to cope in the real world of things going wrong. It’s about how to pick yourself up and start again. And again. And again.
We’ll draw on tools developed for positive psychology, for actors and athletes who have to perform at their best no matter what their personal circumstances and on every day life. Yes, there are stories, but this isn’t a story-based presentation… it’s a tool-based, content-driven presentation (which uses stories to make a point!) that’s been created after five years of research.
Coming up for AIR
AIR stands for Act, Inform, Restore and it’s the way to get more done when you’re in an uncertain working environment, without enough structure to keep tabs, and … well… anything…

Time management tools don’t work very often, mainly ‘cos they’re tools for problems we don’ t have. And let’s be honest, we know what we should be doing – we just don’t! But AIR is the framework to put those tools into, so you can get your act together, and get more done…

And do it without having to do things like get up so early in the morning you’re meeting yourself coming up the stairs the night before!
What to do next…?
Want to chat about if Simon’s a good fit for whatever-you’ve-got-in-mind? Drop an email to Simon