our presenters response to covid19

Inspiration Cards
A set of high-quality, A5 cards with specific and tested tools to help you out when you get stuck or lack inspiration for what you want to say

I was supposed to be launching my first physical product (other than a book) right now. It’s got astonishing feedback and was getting traction. You can see it for yourself over at design.presentationgenius.info. It’s a cracking product and people loved it…

… but…

… I’ve decided not to push the Presentation Design Pack because it won’t fit through letter boxes and I don’t want people trogging around to their sorting office.

Huge thanks to those of you who’ve already bought one! 🙂

So what am I doing instead?

Covid19 doesn’t mean that presentations stop. It just means that they’ve moved online.

I’ve written a long, and expanding blog, including videos to help here. To be honest, it’s something of a mini training – a bit rough and ready, because I was going for speed, but the content is useful. But it’s not enough on its own… so.. enter Remote Impact!

To help all those of you who normally do your presentations face to face but who are now having to wow online I’m really proud with “Remote Impact” – it’s an online course about online presenting.

Lots of it applies to face to face stuff too, of course, but it’s really helpful for you if you’ve just about got the basics of the tech sorted out and need/want/hope to do a better than “just get online”.

Check it out at: presentations.thinkific.com. Stop… wait! I can’t afford to give it away for free (sorry, I need to eat!) but I can do something to help, so here’s the deal. I’ll leave it to you to morally decide if it applies to you…

The Covid19 online presentations offer

Do you qualify? If you’ve been impacted by the Corona Virus then this is for you. By impacted I mean, you’ve got no work, you’ve been furloughed or something like that. Also, if you’re frontline NHS (like my daughter) or another essential worker right now…

What’s the offer? When you go to the Remote Impact page, and buy yourself access, use the coupon code “EmailSufferer” and help yourself to the £100 off. (It’s case sensitive so make sure you spell it exactly right.)

C’mon – you know you want some Remote Impact 🙂

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