Presentation Genius Clinic

You've got to present and you know your stuff and the date. All you need to do now is learn to present with style and impact, right?

But it’s not as easy as everyone pretends.

Your friends say “You’ll be great – just be yourself” but that doesn’t cut it.

Googling Presentation Tips just don’t cut it, either… because most tips are worse than useless. “Imagine your audience naked” feels about as helpful as saying to a short person “Just go out there and be taller”.

Feel familiar?

But you’re “not a presenter” and so full training isn’t sensible.

We get that. Little money and even less time.

So here’s the best alternative! A highly focused clinic, where we’ll zap through your big issue. Just tell me what’s bugging you and we’ll get it sorted.

How do you want to improve your presentation?

You don’t need to “tick the boxes below” but we find it helps focus our short time together if you’ve thought a little bit about where you are on the presentation journey….

Don’t know where to start? Ask about Presentation Preparation.

Don’t know how to get going? Don’t want to freak out? Don’t want to freak your audience out? Know there’s something better than Death by PowerPoint but don’t know what? Want to get your online set-up a bit more sorted?

This is for you if you need to get started in under an hour.

Made some progress, but…? We call that Presentation panic!

Or are you making progress but a bit uncertain? We call that Preparation Panic. You’ve done it, I’ve done it… we’ve all done it! We start working on our presentation with enthusiasm but them loose our way or our confidence… or we find other ways to do it and we can’t decide which route to go down. You’ve probably even got slides started at this stage.

This is for you if you’ve been working on things for a bit and need a short blitz to get you going again.

Nailed it… probably? Time for some Presentation Practice.

No one goes live with a presentation without having tried it out a few times, right? Well yes of course they do – and for unimportant presentations that’s fine. But what if credibility or sales depend on whether or not you get it right?

This is for you if you’re most of the way there and want to refine it in a the longest 60 minutes of your life.

Need to show it to someone else? Need a hardcopy brochure? Here it is!

Are we right for each other?

Find out easily. Book a free coffee-length chat. At the very lease we’ll find out if we get on. We’ll find out if I can help. If it’s a simple problem I can probably help in those 15 minutes so there’s nothing to risk… Go on, you know you want to… Grab yourself a coffee and book a ChemCheck!

Want to get right into a better presentation with a clinic?

Go ahead …but before you jump in and book an hour long clinic, know I’m not cheap for a good reason! 🙂

When you’ve booked you’ll get a Zoom link for the session and to get the most out of our time I recommend:

  • making sure you’ve got an up-to-date- version of Zoom
  • a headset and good microphone if you can
  • a clear idea of what you want to look at with me.

That last one is probably the most important ‘cos we can work around the technical ones if we need to.

At the very least, know if you’re thinking of the Preparation, Panic, or Practice options above!

Oh, and at risk of sounding patronising, it’s worth getting you slides (if you’re using them) and all your other technology up and running before-hand so I’m not sitting their waiting. (Yes, I know, it’s obvious when I say it but you’d be surprised… 🙂 )

Oh, and you should probably know that second and third sessions are discounted as there’s less preparation and follow-up for me to do.

Is there a catch?

A tiny one.

And that is that we only do three of these per week. That’s it. Come hell or high water. If you’re unsure, just grab a free ten minute ‘chemistry check’ session here.

Are there any extras thrown in?

No. Why not? Because places like Impact Factory charge double this already. And besides, we won’t cheapen what we do with gimmicks.

That said, we often throw something in if you would benefit from it and if we’ve got it (let’s face it, we’re going to have it with all our experience) but that’s ‘cos we’re trying to be helpful, not as part of a sales page!

The even better news is that we’ll not try and push another clinic on you – just spend our time together doing the best we can.

What should I do now?


If you want the 15 minute advice and chemistry check, this link will take you to the free booking. Everything should work like clockwork! 🙂

Want the Presentation Clinic? Just click on the dates above, pick your time (and pay!) 🙂