Want a little Presentation Genius in your media?
[jcolumns] [jbox vgradient=”#d8d8d8|#ffffff” shadow=”7″ jbox_css=”border:4px solid #9d9d9d;” title=”If you’re interested in comment on presentations in the news… “]you’re probably in a hurry.[/jbox] In that case you should try a phone call to the office on 0191 2663764. If there’s no one available leave a message including your contact details; your deadline; and what you want comments on and we’ll get back to you if it’s humanly possible. I can’t absolutely promise to get back to you in time if your deadline is particularly short – if I’m with a client, they take priority! But I’ll get back to you come what may![jcol/] [jbox vgradient=”#d8d8d8|#ffffff” shadow=”7″ jbox_css=”border:4px solid #9d9d9d;” title=”If you’d like something for your magazine, show or website… “]then the best thing is an email[/jbox] I’ve done plenty of articles/items in the past and I’m happy to do it if I’ve got time. Drop me a line at simon@presentationgenius.info to introduce yourself and let me know the outlines such as what you want and who it’s for. The more info the better – and I’ll get back to you.By the way, if you want something in writing, don’t worry, I’m not one of those writers who’s desperately precious about you editing it! 🙂
[/jcolumns]Want to know if I’m the right interviewee for your podcast or something?
This one page PDF should give you a great starting point 🙂 The graph at the bottom right gives a pretty clear indication of how much use you’ll get out of me on various topic … Just right-click the image and then ‘save as’ for the PDF of the sheet.
Looking for images and so on for your publicity?
If I’ve agreed to speak at one of your events you can use these as publicity shots, help yourself to whichever one of these suits you best. Right-click then save-as for bigger versions. If the formats aren’t useful for you, just ask: I may have something that suits. I also have some action pics and videos for use in special circumstances. If you need me to record a short introduction video for you, please get in touch: I will if I have time! 🙂
