TalkTactics started as a series of very short tip videos for LinkedIn, posted weekly. Ididn’t stay that way though, because it got pretty big. People loved the tips and I started to get a following because of them.

The key things people liked about the videos were that they’re:
- short – a minute or two at most (generally)
- without any sales pitch – just an attempt to be helpful
- one take wonders – using a bit of magic tech and a lot of experience I do them all in one take (except one) so they balance corporate-and-slick with fun-and-authentic stuff!
They seem to have hit a chord with people and the only reason I’m selling them now is that there was a demand! It wasn’t my plan when I started.

I’ve put some time in to curate the videos so they’re grouped together by topic – so watch them all or just jump to what you need. I’ll be adding videos more-or-less weekly for the foreseeable future (but not forever!) so you’ll have more stuff almost weekly… and access to these vids for as long as Vimeo and I keep going! 🙂
Want a few examples?
No particular reason to why I’ve picked these ones… just grabbed ’em almost at random ‘cos they appealed to me when I was scrolling through!

If you’re in a hurry, just click the button on the right and you’ll be wicked over to the payment page. After that, it’s all done by magic!
It doesn’t always go right, though!
Although I recorded the vids in one take, there’s often a bit of a warm up and testing first. After all, there’s no point in recording something and then finding out I’d forgotten to turn on the microphone! On the right is what happened on one particularly bad day! 😉
Careful – there’s a swear word in here!
… and now that I’ve ruined my credibility…. 😉
You can pay what you like
Because you can (if you really want to!) go back over LinkedIn and find them one at a time for yourself there’s an option to buy for nothing. If you’ve got no money, pick that with my blessing – I’d rather you got the help than not… But don’t pick that option unless you’re skint, eh? These tips are taken from my live training, which goes for thousands per day!
At the moment the average payment for access to the videos is fractionally under $25.
How many video tips are there?
At the point where I’m launching this I’ve added over 30 of the fifty-or-so that I’ve recorded for you. I’m recording one almost every week and I intend to add those. I expect I’ll stop when I’ve doing this for two years, so you’ll end up with between 80 and 100 videos! (A few of them cover the same topics though – if it’s a really important one! – where I explain it a different way or give a different example.)
Want a few more examples?
What next?
Just buy them already! 😉 You can pay what you want.

Okay, seriously, if you’re ready, you’re ready. If not, there’s nothing much more I can say. Either way, I wish you all at the best with how you make an impact on your world!