Wrapping up Confidence Month

[jcolumns inbordercss=”1px dotted gray”] Well, it’s All Hallow’s Eve – or hallow’een as we tend to call it. Basically, that’s it. Confidence Month is over (for now! 🙂 ).

Let’s wrap up the month with a short and simple observation… sometimes you have to JDI. Think about it – when you learned to ride a bike, did you stand there and look at it thinking “That looks cool and once I’m confident I’ll get on it”. No, you didn’t.  You looked at it and thought “That looks cool and give it a go” and you did – then you fell of… again… and again… In short, you didn’t get confident in order to do something. Sadly not. You got confident by doing something.

To stretch the metaphor, you obviously don’t just jump on a mountain bike and start to rush down near-death routes…. you start off on the flat with stabalisers!

[jcol/] [jbox color=’blue’ title=”It’s review time”] What’s happened and what have we learned? Well for a start, we’ve had a surge in blog reads and we really, really hope the content has been useful!  If you’re interested, the most popular content was

So in short, no pattern 🙂
[/jbox] [/jcolumns]

I know that’s not necessarily a popular thing to say, but there’s no magic bullet.  If you’re up for it, listen to this interview with (my friend) Geoff Nicholson on his podcast.  I share a number of tools for handling nerves (not quite the same things as confidence, but closely related!) and I start to rant about this very point about half way through.


If you just want the bit I’m referencing here, it’s at ten minutes and 15 seconds in 🙂

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