You’re booked!

Simon talking about presenting and where the camera feels like it goes
Simon talking about presenting and where the camera feels like it goes


If you’re seeing this, all is well and you’ve booked a session withe me. An email with the Zoom details is on its way. At about ten minutes before we’re due to meet, just click on the link in that email and let Zoom do it’s thing as usual. If you don’t use Zoom or need to use a different system, drop me a line in reply to that email and we can talk about what’s better for you.

The email also has a calendar invitation attached to it, so you can put it into your diary “magically”.

Your confirmation email will look vaguely like this.

I’m looking forward to seeing you – and if there’s anything else you need me to know, just let me know! In the meantime (and at risk of sounding like a second-hand car salesman!) there are a couple of things you might like to look into before we meet.

If you’re in any doubt, though – don’t buy anything. Why not? Because it might be that in our session I can save you the time and money. I might have a free alternative!

If you’re a bit reluctant to use stories in your presentations – either because you don’t want to for whatever reason – or because you don’t know how to start, check out the Reluctant Storyteller Starter Pack. It’s not going to change your life but it’s a cracking start towards being a more engaging presenter with better delivery!

On the other hand, if what bugs you is knowing how to design and structure your presentations … know that you are not alone! That’s why I invented the Presentation Design Pack. It’s a physical product that talks you through one of the most common (and the most powerful!) of the systems professional speakers use to design their presentations in a set of simple-to-follow instructions.

Still with me? Fantastic – I’ll see you at whatever time and whatever day it is that you booked!

Have fun… Simon

PS: if you want to be kept up to date on a not-quite-weekly-because-I’m-too-lazy tipsheet, the place you need is right here.