Would you like your team or your staff to get a bit of Presentation Genius and change their world a little?
We do in-house training for groups. What that means for you is that if there are a few of you who need to make presentation with flair and impact, we’ll start you on the route to presentation genius. We’ll find out what you need and what your problems are – then show you how to get from where you currently are towards being a presentation genius.
What’s more, we’ll provide you with all the material and help you need after the event, so that your learning sticks! All too often training is just entertainment because it’s not done the best way. Ours is different, because we know how communication works. Because it’s all based on our unique combination of research-driven material presenting in a performance-based way.
[jcolumns] You’ll be in good company. Current clients include both public and private sector organisations. In the public sector we boast:- six UK universities
- over a dozen local authorities
- national charities
- various NHS trusts
and in the private sector clients include:
- small and local companies of only a few staff
- Dell Computers
- Renault
- Dunlop.
We’re so confident of Presentation Genius that if you don’t think it’s been worth your time when we visit, our time for that visit is free. To start the conversation about whether we’ll work with you, email us at simon@presentationgenius.info and we’ll see if there’s a fit.[/jbox]
If you’re at all nervous about asking a complete stranger for some training, let’s see if this makes you any happier… If the people I train for you don’t think the time’s been worthwhile I won’t send you and invoice. Fair?