Our next public presentation skills training – Newcastle Atomicon Fringe: April, 2020.
So would you like some training on how to present the ideas about your company? About your ideas? Your start-up?

It’s a serious question. Would you like to? This course is how you start. Because a presentation can change your world – particularly if you’re a start-up!
Would you like to be better at presenting? C’mon, you know you want to… Even if you don’t want to, you probably feel you need to… here’s the answer to your prayers 😉

You’ll get the tools to move you a lot closer towards real Presentation Genius! (Small print – genius level is not absolutely garunteed in just one session 🙂 )
We’ll work hard, and we expect you to do the same, but we’ll not be too po-faced or serious about it. We take our work seriously, just not ourselves… and we’re so confident that we can help that if you don’t think we have, we’ll give you your money back. Simple. That means there’s no risk in booking.
Is this for me?

The workshop is only two hours long, so we’re packing a huge amount into that time. It’s for you if:
- You want / need to make presentations for your job (or passion) but you’re not “a professional speaker”
- You run your own company / organisation and need to tell people how good it is!
- You’ve just been promoted and now you need to talk about your job not just do it
Ideally you’d have had at least a little experience of making presentations in one way or another but it’s not a deal breaker!
What do we cover?
There’s a lot to take in. We’ll look at:

- What presentations are good for and when you shouldn’t use them
- Structuring your presentation to make it effective
- Designing slides and other visual aids to make them helpful
- Understanding the psychology of audiences
- Credibility and authority techniques
- Dealing with questions
What’s the style?
The trainer, Dr Simon Raybould, was a research scientist for 24 years, so everything you get is based on hard-core, scientific research of what works for presenting. But it’s not a lecture, don’t worry!
Simon has also been an actor, a lighting designer, an author and a fire-eater. (We’ll leave it to you to figure out which one pays the bills best! 😉 )
What that means is that you’ll get your science-based stuff delivered by someone with a bit of flair.
It’s fun, fast and intensive – but oh-so-very useful!
What won’t we do?
It’s a dumb idea to just put you on the stage, ask you to present to the room, then tell you what you did wrong. And because it’s dumb, we won’t do it. What we will do is give you the big ideas and tools you need to make your presentations better – to make them work.
Because you’re smart enough to figure out how to use the Big Ideas in your own circumstances, we’ll help you do just that… but not by just throwing you in at the deep end.
Oh, and this isn’t a course about PowerPoint. The ideas and principles we cover here apply to situations where you use any software – or none!
Okay, but what do I get?
Brace yourself!
Once you’ve paid up, you’ll get:
- An email pre-training course to help you get the basics of presenting (and some of the advanced stuff too!) before you even get to the live event
- Two hour, hugely-focused training session
- Electronic copy of Simon’s previous book “Presenting Made Simple” along with half a dozen or so “how-to” documents
- A 50% discount code for the online training resources at HaveMoreImpact.com – you can use some of them as revision material, as they expand into the things we don’t have time to cover in just one session
- Discounted access to Simon for follow-up one-on-one coaching, either live or via video-link. (Note that this offer is available for three months after the live workshop)
- And an Uber-cool freebie surprise. Trust me, this is worth the cost all on it’s own!
Feeling the sweat yet? This isn’t a two hour training session. It’s a program!
That sounds useful – but will it be any good?
Fair question. All too often trainers are just trying to:
- Make clones who use the presentation style that works for them
- Make some money
Point two is reasonable – we’re trying to make a bit of money too, but the difference between most trainers and Simon is that he’s researched the science of what works in presentations. It’s not just about “What worked for Simon”.

‘cos let’s face it, unless you’re exactly like him that’s less helpful. (And frankly if you are like him, you need more help than this training day is going to give you! 😉 )
Here’s the deal… if you buy, come and pay attention, but at the end you don’t think it’s been worthwhile, just have a quiet word with us and we’ll give you a full refund… and we’ll let you keep the goodies such as the books and free training!
We can’t be any more reassuring, so what have you got to lose?
And in case you need a bit more reassurance, have a listen to people from last year’s course!
And just in case they haven’t convinced you – check out this set of testimonials!
Sounds good… And?
And what?
Okay, how’s this…
if you book a place, and then someone else cites you as the reason they book a place, we’ll donate £20 to a charity. We’ll decide which charity by show of hands at the session itself. All we ask is that you’re honest about it – don’t fake it! 😉
What about the venue?
You know why Newcastle is called New Castle, right? Well that’s where we’re training! We’re in the Black Gate of Newcastle Castle! (http://www.newcastlecastle.co.uk)

It’s only a few minutes walk from the the Central Station for trains and Metros and barely ten minutes walk (over one of the fantastic bridges) to the Gateshead Quayside (in case you’re attending another Atomic Fringe event).
Oh, and it’s just a couple of minutes walk away from the centre of Newcastle for meals, deals and parties. And trust me, no one parties like Geordies 🙂

Let me in!
Only the group tickets have been open until now! (Buy four and get five – so you (the organiser) goes free.) But the individual tickets have just been released February! With my hand on my heart, I think you should get one sooner rather than later!
Caution: drop me a line before you try and buy the five-over-four tickets! There looks like a glitch in Eventbrite and it charges you a pretty ridiculous price! Don’t pay it! Talk to me!